We help Web3 companies scale with their blockchain infrastructure. Ours is an era of Appchains and disconnected decentralized networks. L1s scale with L2s that scale with L0s. We find the missing links and connect them for you. The inherent limitations of the blockchain technology have hindered companies in serving at mass-scale. The mass adoption of Web3 will not happen with "Generalist Chains", like Ethereum, Solana, Aptos, etc. They got us far, but to get any further, we must find ways to scale without breaking bank on each transaction. At Antematter, we rigorously research approaches to scale and keep an eye on the latest solutions so that we can design a custom approach for your particular scaling needs. We have over 2 years of experience working in the cutting-edge of Web3, having been core contributors to Solana, early adopters of ZK technology, and on-going partnerships with user-obsessed Web3 companies.



Antematter works with SMBs in regulated industries to transform them into AI-native organizations. We consider ourselves "full stack AI partners".